How to use Woodcast

How to use Woodcast

1. Heat & cut

Heat the Woodcast products in the Woodcast Heating Device. Depending on the thickness of the product, you can cut it into desired shape and size either cold or heated. Woodcast products are ready to be moulded for a patient once they are completely softened.

2. Stocking & padding

Always place both a stockinette and padding over the limb, covering the entire area under the splint. We always recommend using two stockinettes. If your patient is a child or elderly person, cover the entire area under the splint with padding.

Using sufficient padding is important: it will protect the skin from an unnecessary and excessive heat burden. Please do not apply a thick layer of bandaging before the Woodcast material has cooled down – it may prevent the heat from dissipating from the skin.

3. Mould & cool

Place Woodcast on the padding and mould it into the desired shape. If necessary, you can assist stabilisation of the limb by using a thin bandage that allows the heat to pass through.

4. Finish

Finish the cast with a suitable bandage or, for removable applications, with Velcro fasteners. And you’re done! If you are not completely satisfied with the result, you can mould the cast further by re-heating it with the Woodcast Express Heating Device. In such a case, also ensure that the padding materials you use are heat-proof.

General things to remember

Combine when warm

Woodcast products are only self-adhesive when warm. Take care that padding or bandage material is not left between products when combining them, since it will prevent them from attaching properly. Proper adhesion of different Woodcast layers should be ensured by pressing them together sufficiently when warm.

Avoid large heat burdens and compression

If you are using elastic bandaging to secure Woodcast products, apply only a thin layer of bandage and avoid excessive compression. Always let Woodcast cool properly before applying bandaging.

Handle each product correctly

Woodcast 1 mm Ribbon can be stretched both vertically and horizontally to improve the fit, without danger of stasis. Do not stretch Woodcast 2 mm, 2 mm Soft or 4 mm products too much to avoid excessive opening of the slits and weakening of the cast. Please note that splints should be placed vertically in line with the slits, not horizontally against them.

Provide home care instructions to your patient according to approved practice at your unit.